Find People from Apollo

1️⃣ What does it do?

Use Find People from Apollo to generate a list of leads and use Clay for further enrichment.

2️⃣ How to set it up:

  1. In your home page, click on '+ New Table'.

  2. Navigate and click on the People category.

  3. Select Find People from Apollo and connect your account.

  4. Type in a comma-separated list of titles to search for and apply optional parameters.

    • The limit on this search is 1000 results. We will only import the first 1000 results.

  5. Click on Continue, and choose to add results to a new or existing table.

  6. Wait for your results to populate within seconds and enrich!

⭐️ Cost: N/A

3️⃣ Data Provided:

Click Here to see all data points provided by "Find People from Apollo"

Name, Title, Org, Slug, Connections, Num of Followers, Headline, Summary, Experiences, Education, Country, Location Name, URL, Dob, Awards, Courses, Projects, Languages, Last Name, Person Id, First Name, Jobs Count, Last Refresh, Certifications, Num Recommenders, Picture URL Copy, Picture URL Orig, Latest Experience

Last updated