Enrich Person from Profile URL

Enrich a person's data starting from a Profile URL or Profile User ID.

1️⃣ What does it do?

Enrich a person's data starting from a Profile URL or Profile User ID. Note: This action may be slow to produce results. Any data that has not been refreshed in more than 45 days will be pulled live, which takes additional time to process.

2️⃣ How to set it up:

  1. In your table, click on Enrich Data.

  2. Navigate to the People Data section or use the search bar to find "Enrich Person from LinkedIn Profile".

  3. Provide the necessary input in the corresponding field (it only takes one input at a time).

    • Regular LinkedIn URLs go in "LinkedIn Profile", Sales Navigator URLs go in "LinkedIn Sales Navigator or Recruiter Profile", etc.

  4. Click on Continue to Add Fields.

    • Toggle the data points you wish to map out automatically after it completes the search (data can also be mapped out after).

  5. Save and run!

⭐️ Cost: 1 credit per row

3️⃣ Data Provided:

Click Here to see all data points provided by "Enrich Person from LinkedIn Profile"

Name, Title, Org, Slug, Connections, Num of Followers, Headline, Summary, Experiences, Education, Country, Location Name, URL, Dob, Awards, Courses, Projects, Languages, Last Name, Person Id, First Name, Jobs Count, Last Refresh, Certifications, Num Recommenders, Picture URL Copy, Picture URL Orig, Latest Experience

Last updated