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Add a Salesforce action to quickly connect to your CRM and automatically lookup or sync records.

For Salesforce there are 4 different actions that can be used for any record:

  • Lookup Record

  • Create Record

  • Update Record

  • Upsert Object (requires the Salesforce external ID of the object)

Important considerations for using Salesforce integrations:

  • What permissions does your Clay user need?

    • Access the identity URL service (id, profile, email, address, phone)

    • Manage user data via APIs (api)

    • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

  • To make the initial connection in Clay to Salesforce, you will need someone with OAuth permissions. After that, any user in your Clay workspace can leverage the integration.

  • All credentials are encrypted before being stored. Additionally, our storage systems are also encrypted. Access to the storage systems are on a need-to basis, typically only for troubleshooting user issues.

  • We only get the minimum information from the user-intended integration, and we display all of the information that we store to the user in the cell. We do not save anything else.

  • The connection is made through oauth, and scoped to the user that created the connection. So if there are sensitive fields or objects that you did not want Clay to be able to pull, you can create a permission set for the oauth user which does not have access to those fields.

  • Data flows (pull / Import sources or Lookup): Whether by importing Salesforce records via the "Import" functionality in Clay or making API calls in Clay tables, Clay can pull data out of Salesforce (scoped to the objects and fields that the oauth user can access) and then make use of that data in a Clay Table. For example you make lookup a contact by email and then make use of the Contact Id in further columns.

  • Data flows (push / Create or Update): To support enriching records, Clay may push data to Salesforce as long as the oauth user has write access. For example, Clay may enrich an Account Employee Count and write the number to the Employee Count field from a Clay table.

1️⃣ Lookup

If you want to:

  • Lookup whether an object exists (this could be an account, lead, etc).

  • Lookup the information of an object in Salesforce

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Lookup Record

For Lookup Record, you need to select:

  • An object to look up

  • And object field to search by

  • And a "Search For" column - this is a column mapped from your Clay table

If you wanted to see if a person you found with Clay exists in Salesforce. You would likely use the following set up:

  • Salesforce Object: "Lead"

  • Object Field: "Email"

  • Search For: /Email Column From Clay

🚨 We default to a contains search. This means - if you were searching for a company called "Clay", we would return a match even if the company name found was called "Clay Labs".

If you want to restrict results to only exact matches, simply toggle on "Exact Match?"

This action is particularly helpful if you want to conditionally exclude records you already have in your CRM from further enrichment.

2️⃣ Create Record

If you want to:

  • Create a new record (this could be an account, lead, etc).

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Create Record

For Create record you need to first choose the type of object you want to create (account, lead, etc). After mapping the initial input, you'll see all of the properties you have in your Salesforce instance below. You can map entire columns to the different Salesforce properties.

Just click on the property you want to add info to, type "/", and select a column from your table.

See example below for creating a new Lead.

🚨 By default we will not create duplicate records. Check out Salesforce's duplicate rules here. If you would like to create duplicates, just toggle on "Duplicate Rule Override".

This action is particularly helpful if you want to take the information you've found in Clay and instantly create corresponding records in Salesforce.

3️⃣ Update Record

If you want to:

  • Update an existing record (this could be an account, lead, etc).

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Update Record

After mapping the initial input, select the type of record you want to update, and map your Clay columns to the Salesforce properties.

For Update record you need to first map the record ID of the object.

  • If you do not already have this in your table, run "Lookup Record" first.

  • If you imported the records from Salesforce initially, you can find the record ID in the initial Salesforce column. See below:

4️⃣ Upsert Record

If you want to:

  • Create a record if it doesn't exist OR update a record if it does exist

  • This action combines "Create Record" and "Update Record"

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Upsert Record

In order for this integration to work, you must be looking up a record based on an "external ID". Most any object in Salesforce can be used as an external ID. You can even set the email property to be an external ID.

Once you've created an external ID, you'll be able to select the Salesforce object and corresponding ID name. Then you can map in any additional fields you'd like from Clay.

If the record exists (based on the external ID), the record will be updated. If it does not exist, a new record will be created.

⭐️ Cost: Free:)

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