Import Data from CSV

1️⃣ What does it do?

Allows you to import your own CSV files into Clay.

2️⃣ How to set it up:

  1. In your home page, click on '+ New Table'.

  2. Select "Import Data from CSV", then browse or drag and drop your CSV file,

  3. Choose to create a new table or import it into an existing one.

  4. Wait for the table to populate and enrich!


  • All Clay tables have two pre-existing columns called Created At and Updated At. If your CSV file contains these column headers as well, the import process could fail but if you rename them slightly different or overall that will fix it.

  • Clay table limits are up to 50,000 rows and 70 columns each, so your CSV must be within those limits to prevent any import issues.

  • Some spreadsheet tools may have a different CSV format whereas the universal UTF-8 format is the only type that Clay accepts when importing files. If you suspect you may be running into that issue, when you download and save your file to your device, most tools or your device should offer the option to save as UTF-8 CSV and fix this. Alternatively, Google Sheets has this as the default downloadable format and can read most CSV types to easily upload and download again, converting them.

⭐️ Cost: N/A

Last updated