Enrich Company

1️⃣ What does it do?

Enrich a company with data. You can take a website, Company URL, Company ID to get data points like phone number, HQ location, and more about the company.

2️⃣ How to set it up:

  1. In your table, go to Enrich Data and search for the integration with the search bar.

  1. Choose your "Company Identifier". This should be a column from your table that identifies the company you want to further enrich.

  1. Click on "Continue to Add Fields", choose the data you'd like to add to your table and then click "Save" and run!

⭐️ Cost: 1 credit per row.

3️⃣ Data Provided:

Click Here to see all data points provided by "Enrich Company"

Name, Website, Employee Count, Size, Industry, Description, URL, Slug, Type, Domain, Org ID, Country, Founded, Locality, Logo URL, Locations, Company ID, Last Refresh, Follower Count

Last updated