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Add a Pipedrive action to quickly connect to your CRM and automatically lookup or sync records.

For both organizations and people there are three different actions - "Lookup", "Create" or "Update".

We recommend running all 3 actions in a sequence to capture all results.

  1. First run "Lookup record" to see if they already exist.

    1. If a match is found - run "Update Record".

    2. If no match is found - run"Create record". You can use conditional formulas to automatically run this ONLY if they do not already exist.

Check out the options below to see which is right for you!

1️⃣ Lookup

If you want to:

  • Lookup whether a person/organization exists or not

  • Lookup the information in your CRM for a person/organization

Expand this to see the set up!

Lookup Organization

For Lookup Organization, you can map field for the search. We recommend using company name, company domain, or email. Once running this action - you'll receive all data in your CRM for the company (if the match was found).

Lookup Person

For Lookup Person, you need to map any contact field- we recommend using email, phone, or full name. Once running this action - you'll receive all data in your CRM for the person (if the match was found).

This action is particularly helpful if you want to conditionally exclude records you already have in your CRM from further enrichment.

2️⃣ Create

If you want to:

  • Create a new person/organization

Expand this to see the set up!

Create Organization

For Create Organization, you need to map the Company Name. After mapping the initial input, you'll see all of the properties you have in your Pipedrive instance below. You can map entire columns to the different Pipedrive properties.

For example, if you wanted to create organizations in Pipedrive and include their domains -> scroll to the domain property, and map the domain column in your Clay table.

Create Person

For Create Person, you need to map the contact's name (you can find this with Clay!). You can then add any additional data points that you want.

This action is particularly helpful if you want to take the leads you've found in Clay and instantly create corresponding records in Pipedrive.

3️⃣ Update

If you want to:

  • Update an existing person/organization with new information you've found in Clay

🚨 To run this Action, you must first run either Lookup or Create to retrieve the ID.

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Update Organization

For Update Organization, you need to map the Organization's ID. To retrieve the ID, first run either lookup or create organization.

Create Person

For Update Person, you need to map the Person's ID. To retrieve the ID, first run either lookup or create person.

This action is particularly helpful if you want to update existing people/organizations with enriched information.

⭐️ Cost: Free:)

Last updated