Find Jobs from LinkedIn

1️⃣ What does it do?

No more copying and pasting from LinkedIn Jobs! Use the Find Jobs from LinkedIn to source jobs listed on LinkedIn right within a Clay table.

2️⃣ How to set it up:

  1. In your home page, click on '+ New Table'.

  2. Navigate and click on the Companies category.

  3. Select Find Jobs from LinkedIn, then apply the filters and keywords for your search, and click on Preview Jobs.

    • You can review your results and apply additional filters before importing.

  4. Click on Import Jobs to a New Table, or choose an existing table.

  5. Wait for your results to populate within seconds and enrich!

⭐️ Cost: N/A

3️⃣ Data Provided:

Click Here to see all data points provided by "Find Jobs from LinkedIn"

Job Title, Job Post LinkedIn URL, Domain, Company Name, Posted Date, Recruiter LI URL

Last updated