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Integrations and Enrichments
296 articles
How to connect Hightouch to Clay
Find Keywords in Website with Google
Find Business Reviews Text and Keywords with Google
Find Business Reviews Information with Google
Find Businesses using Google Maps with Google
Find Open Jobs with Google
Find Github Organization from Company Name with Google
Find Domain from Company Name with Google
Search Google Source with Google
Perform Search with Google
Find Local Businesses using Google Maps with Google
FAQ: I’m not getting many results from my Google Maps search. What should I do?
HTTP API with JWT Authentication with Clay
FAQ: Why am I seeing the "failed to parse body" error when using the HTTP API enrichment?
Identify Email Type and Extract Company Domain from Email with Clay
HTTP API with Clay
Generate Email Permutations with Clay
Find Sitemap URLs for a Company Website with Clay
Detect Language of Text with Clay
Extract Values from Data with Clay
Predict Gender with Clay
Categorize Items Based On Keywords with Clay
Filter List of Objects with Clay
Encode URI Components with Clay
Lookup Single Row in Other Table with Clay
Score Row in Clay with Clay
Map Job Title to Persona with Clay
Find Common Tags with Clay
Format Categories Based on Keywords with Clay
Order a list with Clay
Scrape Website with Clay
Normalize a Domain with Clay
Count Occurrences of Items with Clay
Find Keywords with Clay
Check if URL is Valid with Clay
Calculate Similarity of Text with Clay
Lookup Multiple Rows in Other Table with Clay
Normalize and Deduplicate a List with Clay
Extract URLs and Emails from Text with Clay
Guide: How to send your Clay table data to Zapier with HTTP API
Guide: How to send Zapier information to Clay
Guide: Integrate with Saleshandy using HTTP API
Guide: Integrate with Landit using HTTP API
Guide: Integrate with Catch-all Verifier using HTTP API
Guide: Integrate with JustCall using HTTP API
Guide: Integrate with Skrapp using HTTP API
Distribute Leads Round-Robin (BETA)
Update Record with Salesforce
Lookup Record with Salesforce
Salesforce Records with Salesforce
Create Record with Salesforce
Salesforce Reports with Salesforce
Upsert Object with Salesforce
FAQ: What permissions and scope do I need for the Salesforce enrichment?
FAQ: Will Clay create duplicate records in Salesforce?
FAQ: What are the default sync settings for CRM integrations?
FAQ: Is there a way I can test Salesforce enrichments?
FAQ: Can I reverse my Salesforce Enrichment?
Example Salesforce workflows
Salesforce Integration Guide
FAQ: Do we need to create a custom Salesforce object to integrate Salesforce data?
Find Active Job Openings with Companies, People, Jobs
Find Contacts at Company with Companies, People, Jobs
Find Company Lookalikes with Companies, People, Jobs
Find Company Headcount Growth with Companies, People, Jobs
Find Recent Posts by User or Company with Companies, People, Jobs
Source - Clay Find People with Companies, People, Jobs
Find Employee Headcount by Criteria with Companies, People, Jobs
Find Employee Headcount by Country with Companies, People, Jobs
Enrich Company with Companies, People, Jobs
Find & Enrich Person from Google Search with Companies, People, Jobs
Enrich Person from Profile with Companies, People, Jobs