Name | Is Optional | Description | Type |
Company Domain | true | E.g. '' | |
Company Social Profile | true | ||
Company Stock Ticker | true | E.g. 'GOOGL' | |
Company Name | true | E.g. 'Clay' | |
Minimum Likelihood Score | true | The minimum likelihood score that a profile must have in order for it to count as a match. A score of 2 will have a 10-30% chance of being the correct company requested. For a high degree of data accuracy, use β₯ 6 (default). | |
Require Inferred Revenue | true | Will only return results with inferred revenue data. | |
Require Average Employee Tenure | true | Will only return results with average employee tenure data. | |
Require Industry | true | Will only return results with industry data. | |
Require Parent/Subsidiary | true | Will only return results with parent/subsidiary data. | |
Require Funding Data | true | Will only return results with funding data. | |
Require Employee Count | true | Will only return results with employee count data. |
Name | Type |
Name | text |
Display Name | text |
Size | text |
Employee Count | number |
Linkedin Follower Count | number |
Id | text |
Founded | number |
Inferred Revenue | text |
Industry | text |
Naics | array |
Sic | array |
Location | object |
Linkedin Id | number |
Linkedin Url | text |
Linkedin Slug | text |
Facebook Url | text |
Twitter Url | text |
Profiles | array |
Website | text |
Type | text |
Summary | text |
Tags | array |
Headline | text |
Alternative Names | array |
Alternative Domains | array |
Affiliated Profiles | array |
Ultimate Parent | text |
Immediate Parent | text |
Direct Subsidiaries | array |
All Subsidiaries | array |
Total Funding Raised | number |
Latest Funding Stage | text |
Last Funding Date | date |
Number Funding Rounds | number |
Funding Stages | array |
Employee Growth Rate 1 2 Month By Role | object |
Employee Growth Rate | object |
Employee Churn Rate | object |
Average Employee Tenure | number |
Average Tenure By Role | object |
Average Tenure By Level | object |
Employee Count By Country | object |
Employee Count By Month | object |
Employee Count By Role | object |
Gross Additions By Month | object |
Gross Departures By Month | object |
Likelihood | number |