Name | Is Optional | Description | Type |
Company Domain | true | E.g. '' | |
Company Social Profile | true | ||
Company Stock Ticker | true | E.g. 'GOOGL' | |
Company Name | true | E.g. 'Clay' | |
Minimum Likelihood Score | true | The minimum likelihood score that a profile must have in order for it to count as a match. A score of 2 will have a 10-30% chance of being the correct company requested. For a high degree of data accuracy, use β₯ 6 (default). | |
Role Filter | true | Note that at least one role or one country must be provided to get employee count data. | |
Country Filter | true | Note that at least one role or one country must be provided to get employee count data. |
Name | Type |
Employee Count By Criteria | number |