Important reminder: The SDFC package is only available to enterprise customers
Step 1: Download the Package
Install the SFDC package in the link provided to you in your email. You can make this viewable only for admins at the start if you’d like
Step 2: Create your Clay Table
Create a new Clay Table with the source as “Import data from Webhook”. Keep this page open so you have quick access to the Webhook URL.
Step 3: Create your Menu Object(s)
In SFDC, select the App Launcher and search “Enrichment Menus”
Create a new Enrichment Menu record:
Fill out the form with the following information
Enrichment Menu Name: The record name for SFDC (Think of this as the name of the action)
The Clay table URL: Copy the Webhook URL from step 2 into this field
User Label: The name users will see when selecting the action
Supported Objects: The type of object you’d like this to show up on. I.e if you have an “Enrich Company” option, you should select “Accounts” so this only shows up at the account level
Step 4: Add the Enrichment Menu Launcher Button
Click the gear button in the top right corner. Select Set up for current app.
Select Object Manager then click on the label for each object where you’d like this button to show up (Accounts, contacts, leads, etc) and complete the following.
Select Page Layouts
Select the layout where you’d like this button to show up
Select the Mobile and Lightning Actions section at the top, click and drag Launch Enrichment to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Actions section.
You’re done! Head to any object where you’ve enabled the menu and you’ll now see the button which will automatically push that record to your Clay table:)