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Track Job Changes

Track a list of people, either in Clay or your external CRM, to get events and run actions when they change jobs

Updated over 6 months ago

Track Job Changes in a Clay People Table

  1. Open a people table & click Actions > Monitor for Job Changes

  2. Under "Person LinkedIn URL Column," input the LinkedIn URL from the people table

  3. Click Save and run

Track Job Changes From a List Outside Clay

  1. Open your workspace and click +Create New > Table > Track Job Changes

  2. In the Job Change Events table, click Event: Job Change > Edit Column > this template

  • Click Copy table to your workspace to add it to your workspace

Track Historical vs. Future Job Changes

Initial Historical Check: If you want to check if a list of contacts still work at the companies you provided, input the "Company LinkedIn Url" (optional) column. If this input is provided, job change events will be generated if the current company is different from the provided one.

For example, if you say that Person X was at Company A, we will do a historical check to see if they're still in Company A, and if not, we will produce a Job Change event, regardless of when they started their current job.

Track future changes: To track a list of people for any future job changes, only provide the "Person LinkedIn Url" column from the moment you create the signal. Do not include the "Company LinkedIn Url."

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